Our Mission

Since its official launch in March 2021, the Council on Geostrategy has established itself as a leading think tank dedicated to generating a new generation of geostrategic thinking for a more competitive age.

Our non-profit organisation focuses on shaping British strategic ambition in an international environment increasingly defined by geopolitical competition and the environmental crisis so that the United Kingdom is best able to succeed and prosper in the twenty-first century.

We have a particular focus on Britain’s naval power and reach, and a broad focus on free and open nations in the Euro-Atlantic, the Indo-Pacific, and Polar regions.

Mission Statement

The United Kingdom played a vital role in the Enlightenment, pioneered the Industrial Revolution, and nurtured many of the geopolitical foundations of the modern world. Our country is at its best when it is bold and confident.

However, over the past decade, Britain has turned inward. We have not done enough to confront the revisionist impulses of large authoritarian powers, which now menace the international order. And we have failed to sufficiently tame the environmental crisis, which now threatens to undermine our way of life.

For these reasons, the Council on Geostrategy has mobilised to strengthen Britain and re-assert our leadership in an increasingly uncertain and dangerous world.

We promote robust new ideas to enhance our country’s unity and resilience, bolster our industrial and technological base, and boost our discursive, diplomatic and military power – especially our naval reach.

We advocate realistic geostrategies – in the Euro-Atlantic, the Indo-Pacific, and the Polar regions – to uphold a free and open international order, in league with our allies and partners.

And by exploring the causes and consequences of environmental degradation, we provide responsible new solutions to render our economy more prosperous and sustainable and spread green technologies around the world.

The Council, a non-profit organisation, pursues its mission through a rigorous, independent and policy-driven research and events programme. We engage with parliamentarians in Westminster; officials in Whitehall; foreign diplomats and policymakers; and businesses, the press, experts, and the general public – both nationally and internationally.

We welcome those who support our mission, as well as those who wish to find out more about it.

London, 2nd March 2021

Ethics and Funding

Our funding and research activities are governed by our Statements on Intellectual Freedom and Funding.

Global Strategic Partnership

The Council on Geostrategy is a member of the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre’s ‘Global Strategic Partnership’ run by RAND Europe. This consortium provides academic and analytical support to the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence.


The Council on Geostrategy has worked with a number of international partners.

Armed Forces Covenant

The Council on Geostrategy is delighted to have signed the Armed Forces Covenant.

Annual Report

Our annual report provides an overview of our activities, publications and partnerships.

Download 2022 annual report

Download 2023 annual report